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Page 28

  “I thought you had prohibition”: Ibid., 47.

  The women in the room: Spicer 2017, 89.

  In August 1928: McDonald. “Henry Lyon Jr.”

  “Quite an experience to eat”: Barker 1969, 48.

  “a dead loss”: Spicer 2017, 90.

  Twenty-five hundred miles away: Barker 1969, 50.

  When she arrived in Manhattan: “Alcohol in Airman’s Compass.” 1929. The Manchester Guardian, January 2.

  Lancaster and Elinor Smith’s return: “Missing Flyers Safe.” 1929. The Manchester Guardian, January 11.

  Lancaster, however: Barker 1969, 52.


  With Kiki back in England: Barker 1969, 52.

  “I have been thoroughly”: Spicer 2017, 93.

  By March 1929, American Cirrus: Barker 1969, 52.

  But disaster struck as Lancaster: Spicer 2017, 95.

  For Jessie, opportunity: Jessen 2002.

  pilot Marvel Crosson: “Woman Flyer Killed.” 1929. The Manchester Guardian, August 21.

  Jessie roomed in Phoenix: Spicer 2017, 107.

  Accidents continued to plague: Jessen 2002.

  Following her Derby performance: Barker 1969, 55.


  The effects of the crash: Barker 1969, 57.

  Their situation was further: Spicer 2017, 132.

  Finally, at a cocktail party: Barker 1969, 57.

  “We’ll get everything organized”: Ibid., 58.

  “What’s the matter with you?”: Ibid.

  “You fly as well as”: Ibid.

  “Frankly,” she admitted later: Spicer 2017, 139.

  The celebrated Brooklyn-born aviatrix: Barker 1969, 60.

  “un-airworthy crate”: “Woman Flyer’s Fate Is Still Held in Doubt.” 1930. The Baltimore Sun, November 30.

  “Everybody gives me credit”: Knoblaugh, Homer. 1930. “Missing Woman Flyer Had Premonition of Tragedy.” The Free Lance-Star (Fredericksburg), November 29.

  “I don’t know why it is”: “Woman Flyer’s Fate Is Still Held in Doubt.”

  “I am very anxious”: “Mother Hopeful Missing Flyer Is Safe Somewhere.” 1930. The Baltimore Sun, November 29.

  “It is possible she was”: “Woman Flyer’s Fate Is Still Held in Doubt.”

  “I thought it was all over”: Keith-Miller, Jessie. 1930. “Mrs. Keith-Miller Tells Own Story of Air Adventure.” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, December 3.

  She hadn’t been there long: Spicer 2017, 149.

  “I am at Nassau”: “Mrs. Keith-Miller Is Safe: Lands on Island in Storm.” 1930. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Decemeber 2.

  As she took off: Barker 1969, 66.


  Lancaster headed to Los Angeles: Spicer 2017, 157.

  “America gave me an opportunity”: Ibid., 154.

  Her most memorable incident: “Big Hotel Fire.” 1931. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, July 31.

  While she had been crisscrossing: Spicer 2017, 157.

  “I spent days discussing”: Ibid.

  The ruddy-cheeked, pudgy Shelton: Davis-Monthan Aviation Field Register. “William Gentry Shelton, Jr.”­people/­shelton_wg/.

  One night, when Lancaster: Spicer 2017, 157.

  “perfect house dog”: Lancaster’s personal diary was reprinted in full in the Miami Daily News, August 5, 1932, the source for all his quotes in this chapter. According to the newspaper, the diary was read into the record in its entirety in Lancaster’s subsequent trial in an effort to establish a love triangle as a motive. However, it also worked to Lancaster’s advantage in making him a very sympathetic defendant.

  “would ride out the Depression”: “Mrs. Keith-Miller Continues Her Story.” 1932. Daily Express, Oct. 28.

  It was, rather astonishingly: Barker 1969, 68.

  With the romance gone: My profound gratitude to Chrystopher J. Spicer for his insights, via e-mail to me, on this and other crucial aspects of Jessie and Lancaster’s relationship.

  “The windows were framed”: “Mrs. Keith-Miller Continues Her Story.” 1932. Daily Express, October 28.

  Only a single business contact: Spicer 2017, 158.

  “I was able to lock myself”: Ibid., 159.

  “I was cooling off”: Ibid., 160.


  “We want you to fly”: Barker 1969, 73.

  “dazed” at the conversation: Lancaster’s personal diary was reprinted in full in the Miami Daily News, August 5, 1932, the source for all his quotes (and related information) in this chapter.

  “Captain Lancaster and Mrs. J. M. Keith-Miller”: Barker 1969, 73.

  Afterward she had fallen into: Spicer 2017, 160–61.

  “I was pretty acid”: Spicer 2017.


  “keep sober and write”: Lancaster’s letters and telegrams, like his diary, were reprinted in the Miami Daily News and The Miami Herald, August 1932, the sources for all his quotes in this chapter.

  “The risk involved is entirely”: Grateful acknowledgment is made to Andrew Lancaster and Noni Couell for transcripts of Clarke’s letters.

  “I can raise funds”: Barker 1969, 93.


  He argued in his claim: “Taken as Favor.” 1931. The Mail (Australia), June 27.

  “I am afraid that”: Spicer 2017, 156.

  “We were such good friends”: Ibid.

  “bored to sobs”: Lancaster’s and Jessie’s letters and telegrams were reprinted in the Miami Daily News and The Miami Herald, August 1932, the sources for all quotes in this chapter, unless otherwise noted.

  When Jessie went to investigate: Barker 1969, 91.

  “What are you going”: Ibid.

  “They used to call him”: Spicer 2017, 163.


  “Why!!” Lancaster wrote: Lancaster’s personal diary was reprinted in full in the Miami Daily News, August 5, 1932, the source for all quotes from it (and related information) in this chapter.

  “On our way back east”: Lancaster’s letters and telegrams were reprinted in the Miami Daily News and The Miami Herald, August 1932, the sources for all quotes from them in this chapter.


  Jessie was genuinely stunned: Barker 1969, 99.

  “The inconceivable has happened”: Jessie’s letters and telegrams were reprinted in the Miami Daily News and The Miami Herald, August 1932, the sources for all her quotes in this chapter.

  “You doubtless have read”: Grateful acknowledgment is made to Andrew Lancaster and Noni Couell for the transcript of Clarke’s letter.

  “behave like a schoolboy”: Lancaster’s personal diary was reprinted in full in the Miami Daily News, August 5, 1932, the source for all quotes from it (and related information) in this chapter.

  “Am no dog in manger”: Lancaster’s telegram was reprinted in the Miami Daily News and The Miami Herald, August 1932.


  “Hello, darling, I’ve missed you”: Unless otherwise noted, all quotes in this chapter are from the Miami Daily News and The Miami Herald, August 2–18, 1932.

  “I’m only going to ask one thing”: Barker 1969, 103–4.


  “That’s ridiculous,” Jessie said: Unless other wise noted, all quotes in this chapter are from the Miami Daily News and The Miami Herald, August 1932.

  “We’d like to question you”: Barker 1969, 111.

  gripped by “desperate thoughts”: Keith-Miller, Jessie. 1932. “I Appeal to You!” Daily Express, October 27.

  “Say nothing whatever about it”: Barker 1969, 114.

  In a metaphorical sense: My thanks to Chrystopher Spicer for sharing his thoughts with me regarding Jessie’s behavior.


  “I know I can convince”: Unless otherwise noted, all quotes in this chapter are from the Miami Daily News and The Miami Herald, April 23–May 10 and August 2–18, 193

  “Reasons why Haden Clarke”: Barker 1969, 118.

  “I wouldn’t touch it”: Ibid., 119.

  “because of those damn notes”: Ibid.

  “Will everything have to”: Ibid., 120.

  “I used to ask”: Andrew Lancaster 2014. The Lost Aviator.

  “My Dearest Pat”: Ibid.; see also Barker 1969.

  “Your letter of July 4th”: Barker 1969, 126–7.

  “My love for Captain Lancaster”: “Australian Airwoman Speaks Out Before Murder Trial.” 1932. Miami Daily News, August 1.


  “moral laxity”: Unless otherwise noted, all quotes in this chapter are from the Miami Daily News and The Miami Herald, August 2–18, 1932.

  “Everybody was excessively friendly”: Spicer 2017, 183.


  “Captain Lancaster,” he asked: All quotes in this chapter are from the Miami Daily News and The Miami Herald, August 2–18, 1932.


  “Captain Lancaster,” Hawthorne began: All quotes in this chapter are from the Miami Daily News and The Miami Herald, August 1932.


  “drastic action”: Unless otherwise noted, all quotes in this chapter are from the Miami Daily News and The Miami Herald, August 2–18, 1932.

  “the public’s growing awe”: Evans 2002.

  “When Dr. A. Conan Doyle”: Fisher, Jim. “Firearms Identification in the Sacco-Vanzetti Case.”­forensics/­sacco1_1.html.

  “chemistry, microscopy, handwriting”: Ibid.

  The fraudulence of Hamilton’s: Ibid.

  In 1921 Hamilton received: Ibid.


  “You men are reasonable men”: Unless otherwise noted, all quotes in this chapter are from the Miami Daily News and The Miami Herald, August 1932.

  “I am delighted”: “Lancaster is Freed; Spectators Cheer.” 1932. The New York Times, August 18.


  “I have been hiding out”: “Mrs. Keith-Miller Sails for England.” 1932. The Baltimore Sun, October 15.

  “I have not yet decided”: “Captain Lancaster Plans Long-Distance Flight.” 1932. The Baltimore Sun, October 25.

  “I didn’t have the same”: Spicer 2017, 213.

  Lancaster looked “absolutely haggard”: Ibid., 215.

  “I am going ‘all out’ ”: “Three Long-Distance Flights.” 1933. The Manchester Guardian, April 11.

  “had done no flying”: Barker 1969, 210.

  “I have every confidence”: “Captain Lancaster in Cape Flight Bid.” 1933. Daily Mirror, April 12.

  “We’ll give you twenty-four”: Barker 1969, 213.

  Lancaster had planned to follow: Details of Lancaster’s crash are taken from his diary, which was reprinted in full in the Daily Express: “The Diary of Bill Lancaster: An Incredible Story of Courage.” 1962, October 22.

  “I had a dreadful dream”: Spicer 2017, 217.

  “It is not our wish”: “Airwoman to Hunt for Lost Friend.” 1933. Daily Express, April 17.

  “Captain Lancaster’s father is now”: “Lancaster Missing 12 Days in Sahara.” 1933. The New York Times, April 25.

  “I did not want him”: Barker 1969, 216.


  an “indeterminate carcass”: Brochard, Alain, and Michel Fernez. “A Butterfly in the Desert; Or the Tragic History of William Newton Lancaster.” 3rd Transport Group, April 2009. Translated from French:­Unpapillondansledesert.htm.

  “the cabin of a small”: Ibid.

  “Now my water will give”: All details of Lancaster’s crash and subsequent time in the desert are taken from his diary, which was reprinted in full in the Daily Express: “The Diary of Bill Lancaster: An Incredible Story of Courage,” October 22, 1962.


  “no more flying stunts”: Spicer 2017, 229.

  “most appalling shock”: Ibid., 233.

  “Anyone who has the guts”: “The Diary of Bill Lancaster: An Incredible Story of Courage.” 1962. Daily Express, October 22.

  “I had never forgotten”: Ibid.


  Adams, Mary, ref1

  Adventure, ref1

  Aerial Enterprises Incorporated, ref1, ref2

  Aeroplane, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Alexander, J. Don, ref1

  Alexander Bullet, ref1

  Amanullah Khan, King, ref1

  American Aeronautical Society, ref1

  American Banker, ref1

  American Cirrus Engines Incorporated, ref1, ref2

  Andros Island, ref1, ref2

  Arabian Gulf, ref1

  Armstrong, Lizzie, ref1

  Army Air Corps, ref1

  Army and Navy Club, ref1

  Atkinson, Henry F., ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14, ref15, ref16, ref17

  Australia, ref1

  Darwin, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

  Jessie’s early life in, ref1

  Jessie’s lecture tour in, ref1, ref2

  Author’s Club, ref1, ref2, ref3

  aviation, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

  danger in, ref1, ref2

  Depression and, ref1, ref2

  stunts in, ref1

  women in, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  in World War I, ref1

  Avro, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Avro Avian, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Red Rose, see Red Rose

  Southern Cross Minor, ref1, ref2

  Baghdad, ref1, ref2

  Baillieu, Clive, ref1

  Balbo, Italo, ref1

  Baltimore Sun, ref1, ref2

  Bangka Island, ref1

  Barker, Ralph, ref1, ref2

  Barnes, Pancho, ref1

  Barrymore, Lionel, ref1

  Basra, ref1

  Bell, Lawrence, ref1, ref2

  Benghazi, ref1

  Beveridge, Charles, ref1

  Beveridge, Eleanor, ref1, ref2

  Beveridge, Ethelwyn, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

  Beveridge, Thomas, ref1, ref2

  Black Tuesday, ref1

  Blue Comet, ref1

  Bon, Keith, ref1

  Booth, J. R., ref1

  Borel, M., ref1, ref2

  Boyer, A. Irving, ref1

  Bright Young Things, ref1

  Brisbane Courier, ref1

  Brown, K. K., ref1

  Brown, Peggy, ref1, ref2

  Bullet monoplane, ref1

  Burberry, ref1

  Bureau of Records, ref1

  Bushire, ref1, ref2

  Byrd, Richard, ref1

  Cairo, ref1

  Calcutta, ref1, ref2

  Capone, Al, ref1

  Carson, James M., ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14, ref15, ref16

  Cavill, Percy, ref1

  Cirrus engines, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

  Clarke, Beverley, ref1, ref2

  Clarke, Charles Haden, ref1

  autopsy of, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8

  death of, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  death as suicide, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14, ref15, ref16

  funeral for, ref1

  gun in death of, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13

  as Jessie’s collaborator in writing her autobiography, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9

  Jessie’s marriage plans with, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7

  Jessie’s meeting of, ref1

  Jessie’s romantic relationship with, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12

  Lancaster’s arrest for murder of, ref1

  Lancaster’s correspondence
with, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  Lancaster’s forging of suicide notes for, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12

  Lancaster’s friendship with, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  Lancaster’s promise of wedding gift to Jessie and, ref1, ref2

  Lancaster’s return and, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7

  Lancaster’s testimony on, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  Lancaster’s trip and, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8

  Lavendar’s testimony on, ref1

  residence in Jessie and Lancaster’s home, ref1, ref2

  Richardson’s testimony on, ref1

  skull of, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  syphilis of, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9

  trial for murder of, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10

  wife of, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

  Clarke, Ida, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12

  Conan Doyle, Arthur, ref1, ref2

  Crosson, Marvel, ref1, ref2

  Cuba, ref1

  Jessie’s flight to, ref1, ref2

  Cunningham-Hall Aircraft Corporation, ref1, ref2

  Curtiss, Glenn, ref1

  Curtiss Robin monoplane, ref1, ref2

  Dade County Courthouse, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  Dade County Grand Jury, ref1

  Daily Express, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Darwin, Australia, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

  Deederer, Carleton, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7

  de Laroche, Raymonde, ref1

  Depression, Great, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9

  Detroit Times, ref1

  Ditsler, Charles, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Dodge, Percy, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  Doolittle, Jimmy, ref1, ref2

  Doyle, Arthur Conan, ref1, ref2

  Earhart, Amelia, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

  Jessie and, ref1

  Egypt, ref1

  Enterprise, HMS, ref1

  equator, ref1

  Evans, Colin, ref1, ref2

  Fairchild Aviation Corporation, ref1

  Flight, ref1

  Ford, Ford Madox, ref1

  Ford Reliability Tour, ref1, ref2, ref3

  French, Jack, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

  Gatty, Harold, ref1

  Gilmartin, Rex, ref1

  Goddard, Robert, ref1

  Good Housekeeping, ref1

  Gowe, Donald, ref1, ref2