The Lost Pilots Read online

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  McIver, Stuart. 2015: Murder in the Tropics: The Florida Chronicles, vol. II. Sarasota, FL: Pineapple Press.

  Spicer, Chrystopher J. 2012. Great Australian World Firsts. Sydney: Allen & Unwin.

  ———. 2017. The Flying Adventures of Jessie Keith “Chubbie” Miller: The Southern Hemisphere’s First International Aviatrix. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company.

  Taylor, D. J. 2010. Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London’s Jazz Age. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.


  Advocate (Australia)

  The Baltimore Sun

  Daily Express (UK)

  Daily Mirror (UK)



  The Manchester Guardian (UK)

  The Mercury (Australia)

  Miami Daily News

  The Miami Herald

  The Morning Bulletin (Australia)

  The New York Times

  Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

  Reality (Australia)

  The Register (Australia)

  Wisconsin State Journal

  Yorkshire Post (UK)



  Miami Daily News, Aug. 2, 1932.


  Ralph Barker, Verdict on a Lost Flyer.

  Chrystopher J. Spicer, The Flying Adventures of Jessie Keith “Chubbie” Miller.

  Andrew Lancaster, The Lost Aviator.


  Ralph Barker, Verdict on a Lost Flyer.

  Chrystopher J. Spicer, The Flying Adventures of Jessie Keith “Chubbie” Miller.

  Andrew Lancaster, The Lost Aviator.


  Keith-Miller, Jessie. 1928. “Tracing North Africa.” The Mercury, April 19.

  ———. 1928. “From Egypt to Baghdad.” The Mercury, April 20.

  ———. 1928. “Only One Frock for Half a World’s Journey.” Morning Bulletin, April 21.

  ———. 1928. “Kaleidoscope of Mesopotamia.” The Mercury, April 24.

  ———. 1928. “Red Rose in Africa.” Morning Bulletin, May 19.

  ———. 1928. “Over Desert Wastes.” Morning Bulletin, May 20.

  ———. 1928. “Two Weeks at Basra.” Morning Bulletin, May 21.

  ———. 1928. “Down the Persian Gulf.” Morning Bulletin, May 23.


  Keith-Miller, Jessie. 1928. “Flirting with Death: Risks on the Red Rose.” The Register, April 24.

  ———. 1928. “Snake as Passenger in Cockpit: New Use for Joystick.” The Mercury, April 30.

  ———. 1928. “Darwin at Last. Red Rose in the Rain.” The Register, April 30.

  ———. 1928. “Another Lap of Flight: Thrills on the Journey.” Morning Bulletin, May 25.

  ———. 1928. “An Unofficial Passenger.” Morning Bulletin, May 29.

  ———. 1928. “Crash at Muntok.” Morning Bulletin, May 30.

  ———. 1928. “Crossing the Timor Sea.” Morning Bulletin, June 2.


  Ralph Barker, Verdict on a Lost Flyer.

  Chrystopher J. Spicer, The Flying Adventures of Jessie Keith “Chubbie” Miller.

  Andrew Lancaster, The Lost Aviator.


  Ralph Barker, Verdict on a Lost Flyer.

  Chrystopher J. Spicer, The Flying Adventures of Jessie Keith “Chubbie” Miller.

  Andrew Lancaster, The Lost Aviator.


  Ralph Barker, Verdict on a Lost Flyer.

  Chrystopher J. Spicer, The Flying Adventures of Jessie Keith “Chubbie” Miller.

  Andrew Lancaster, The Lost Aviator.


  Lancaster’s personal diary was reprinted in full in the Miami Daily News, August 5, 1932, the source for all his quotes (and related information) in this chapter.

  Ralph Barker, Verdict on a Lost Flyer.

  Chrystopher J. Spicer, The Flying Adventures of Jessie Keith “Chubbie” Miller.

  Andrew Lancaster, The Lost Aviator.


  Lancaster’s personal diary was reprinted in full in the Miami Daily News, August 5, 1932, the source for all his quotes (and related information) in this chapter.

  Ralph Barker, Verdict on a Lost Flyer.

  Chrystopher J. Spicer, The Flying Adventures of Jessie Keith “Chubbie” Miller.

  Andrew Lancaster, The Lost Aviator.


  Lancaster’s personal diary was reprinted in full in the Miami Daily News, August 5, 1932, the source for all quotes from it (and related information) in this chapter.

  Lancaster’s letters and telegrams were reprinted in the Miami Daily News and The Miami Herald, August 1932, the sources for all quotes from them in this chapter.

  Ralph Barker, Verdict on a Lost Flyer.

  Chrystopher J. Spicer, The Flying Adventures of Jessie Keith “Chubbie” Miller.

  Andrew Lancaster, The Lost Aviator.


  Lancaster’s and Jessie’s letters and telegrams were reprinted in the Miami Daily News and The Miami Herald, August 1932, the sources for all quotes in this chapter, unless otherwise noted.

  Ralph Barker, Verdict on a Lost Flyer.

  Chrystopher J. Spicer, The Flying Adventures of Jessie Keith “Chubbie” Miller.

  Andrew Lancaster, The Lost Aviator.


  Lancaster’s personal diary was reprinted in full in the Miami Daily News, August 5, 1932, the source for all quotes from it (and related information) in this chapter.

  Lancaster’s letters and telegrams were reprinted in the Miami Daily News and The Miami Herald, August 1932, the sources for all quotes from them in this chapter.

  Ralph Barker, Verdict on a Lost Flyer.

  Chrystopher J. Spicer, The Flying Adventures of Jessie Keith “Chubbie” Miller.

  Andrew Lancaster, The Lost Aviator.


  Lancaster’s personal diary was reprinted in full in the Miami Daily News, August 5, 1932, the source for all quotes from it (and related information) in this chapter.

  Jessie’s letters and telegrams were reprinted in the Miami Daily News and The Miami Herald, August 1932, the sources for all quotes from them in this chapter.

  Ralph Barker, Verdict on a Lost Flyer.

  Chrystopher J. Spicer, The Flying Adventures of Jessie Keith “Chubbie” Miller.

  Andrew Lancaster, The Lost Aviator.


  Unless otherwise noted, all quotes in this chapter are from the Miami Daily News and The Miami Herald, August 2–18, 1932.

  Ralph Barker, Verdict on a Lost Flyer.

  Chrystopher J. Spicer, The Flying Adventures of Jessie Keith “Chubbie” Miller.

  Andrew Lancaster, The Lost Aviator.


  Unless otherwise noted, all quotes in this chapter are from the Miami Daily News and The Miami Herald, April 23–May 10 and August 2–18, 1932.

  Ralph Barker, Verdict on a Lost Flyer.

  Chrystopher J. Spicer, The Flying Adventures of Jessie Keith “Chubbie” Miller.

  Andrew Lancaster, The Lost Aviator.


  Unless otherwise noted, all quotes in this chapter are from the Miami Daily News and The Miami Herald, April 23–May 10 and August 2–18, 1932.

  Ralph Barker, Verdict on a Lost Flyer.

  Chrystopher J. Spicer, The Flying Adventures of Jessie Keith “Chubbie” Miller.

  Andrew Lancaster, The Lost Aviator.


  Unless otherwise noted, all quotes in this chapter are from the Miami Daily News and The Miami Herald, August 2–18, 1932.

  Andrew Lancaster, The Lost Aviator.

  James Carson, “The Lancaster Case.”


  All quotes in this chapter are from the Miami Daily News and The Miami Herald, August 2–18, 1932.


All quotes in this chapter are from the Miami Daily News and The Miami Herald, August 1932.


  Unless otherwise noted, all quotes in this chapter are from the Miami Daily News and The Miami Herald, August 2–18, 1932.

  Colin Evans, A Question of Evidence.

  Jim Fisher, “Firearms Identification in the Sacco-Vanzetti Case,”­forensics/­sacco1_1.html


  Unless otherwise noted, all quotes in this chapter are from the Miami Daily News and The Miami Herald, August 1932.

  James Carson, “The Lancaster Case.”


  “Mrs. Keith-Miller Sails for England.” 1932. The Baltimore Sun, October 15.

  “Captain Lancaster Plans Long-Distance Flight.” 1932. The Baltimore Sun, October 25.

  “Three Long-Distance Flights.” 1933. The Manchester Guardian, April 11.

  “Captain Lancaster in Cape Flight Bid.” 1933. Daily Mirror, April 12.

  “Airwoman to Hunt for Lost Friend.” 1933. Daily Express, April 17.

  “The Diary of Bill Lancaster: An Incredible Story of Courage.” 1962. Daily Express, October 22.

  Ralph Barker, Verdict on a Lost Flyer.

  Chrystopher J. Spicer, The Flying Adventures of Jessie Keith “Chubbie” Miller.


  “The Diary of Bill Lancaster: An Incredible Story of Courage.” 1962. Daily Express, October 22.

  Alain Brochard and Michel Fernez, “A Butterfly in the Desert; Or the Tragic History of William Newton Lancaster,” April 2009,­Unpapillondansledesert.htm.

  Ralph Barker, Verdict on a Lost Flyer.

  Chrystopher J. Spicer, The Flying Adventures of Jessie Keith “Chubbie” Miller.

  Andrew Lancaster, The Lost Aviator.


  “The Diary of Bill Lancaster: An Incredible Story of Courage.” 1962. Daily Express, October 22.

  Ralph Barker, Verdict on a Lost Flyer.

  Chrystopher J. Spicer, The Flying Adventures of Jessie Keith “Chubbie” Miller.



  The Dade County Courthouse: National Register of Historic Places, Continuation Sheet 8:1: The Dade County Courthouse (United States Department of the Interior).

  The date was August 2, 1932: All trial information in this prologue is from the Miami Daily News, August 2, 1932.

  At a quarter past nine: “Lancaster Jury Nears Completion at Recess.” 1932. Miami Daily News, August 2.

  “It’s hard to smile”: Ibid.


  They were the Bright Young Things: Taylor 2010.

  “This is Flying Captain”: Barker 1969, 14.

  “[Before Lindbergh’s flight] people seemed”: Jennings and Brewster 1998, 420.

  “Colonel Lindbergh has displaced”: Kessner 2010, 127.

  “It is impossible today”: Kessner, Thomas. 2012. “Charles Lindbergh, a new hero.” OUPblog, May 20.­2012/­05/­charles-lindbergh-a-new-hero/.

  After his record-setting flight: Kessner 2010.

  “Come and have tea”: Barker 1969, 14.

  She was born Jessie: All background information on Jessie in this section is from Spicer 2017.

  “We were quite maladjusted”: Spicer 2017, 13.

  “the right to live”: Ibid.

  As one of her customers: Ibid., 14.


  History surrounded Bill Lancaster: The Authors’ Club,

  “You said the plane”: Barker 1969, 24.

  “In the first place”: Ibid.

  “I don’t know whether”: Spicer 2017, 19.

  “Look, Bill, you’ve been talking”: Barker 1969, 24.

  Situated in a charmingly: Stanfords,

  Bill Lancaster’s path: All background information on Bill Lancaster in this chapter is from Barker 1969.

  “My dear, I couldn’t care”: Spicer 2017, 19.

  “Oh, well it is a very good”: Quote and preceding paragraphs from Keith-Miller, Jessie. 1928. “Only One Frock for Half a World’s Journey.” Morning Bulletin, April 21.

  The plane featured fresh: “The Red Rose: London to Australia in Light Plane.” 1927. The Manchester Guardian, October 10.

  In the end, her gear: Keith-Miller 1928. “Only One Frock for Half a World’s Journey.”

  “I thought it was marvelous”: Spicer 2017, 23.

  “Women lack qualities”: Lebow 2002, 4.

  “It would be well”: Ibid., 6.

  “Most of us spread”: Jessen 2002.

  “I’m going in for everything”: Lebow 2002, 152.

  In those early years of aviation: Ibid., 7.

  The most famous female: Lovell 2009.

  “I am an Australian”: “Woman Flying to Australia.” 1927. The Manchester Guardian, October 15.


  “My mind,” she wrote: Keith-Miller, Jessie. 1928. “Only One Frock for Half a World’s Journey.” The Morning Bulletin, April 21.

  “all the fogs in the world”: Ibid.

  This was a pattern: Spicer 2017, 29.

  “seemed like so many clips”: Keith-Miller 1928. “Only One Frock for Half a World’s Journey.”

  “as if from an evil pot”: Ibid.

  “the shock of their lives”: Keith-Miller, Jessie. 1928. “Red Rose in Africa.” Morning Bulletin, May 19.

  “If you have to make”: Ibid.

  Raising her head: Spicer 2017, 31.

  “The sand was terrible”: Keith-Miller 1928. “Red Rose in Africa.”

  When the Red Rose: Keith-Miller, Jessie. 1928. “Tracing North Africa.” The Mercury, April 19.

  The aviation world, too: Barker 1969, 30.

  “The sails of the strange”: Keith-Miller, Jessie. 1928. “Over Desert Wastes.” The Morning Bulletin, May 20.

  “There is no glitter”: Ibid.

  “The sun became a scorcher”: Ibid.

  “What are you doing”: Ibid.

  Later that night: Ibid.

  “squirmed over the countryside”: Ibid.

  After such desolate landscape: Keith-Miller, Jessie. 1928. “Two Weeks at Basra.” The Morning Bulletin, May 21.

  The ritual, by this point: Keith-Miller, Jessie. 1928. “Kaleidoscope of Mesopotamia.” The Mercury, April 24.

  “They were totally confident”: Spicer 2017, 33.

  “The water is shark-infested”: Barker 1969, 31.

  “The whole expanse resembled”: Keith-Miller, Jessie. 1928. “Down the Persian Gulf.” The Morning Bulletin, May 23.

  “a huge chunk of coral”: Ibid.

  Lancaster and Jessie were confronted: Barker 1969, 32.


  the morality of the time: Barker 1969, 33.

  After nine and a half: Ibid., 34.

  Lancaster and Jessie had now flown: Keith-Miller, Jessie. 1928. “Another Lap of Flight: Thrills on the Journey.” The Morning Bulletin, May 25.

  The air force was preparing: Keith-Miller, Jessie. 1928. “Flirting with Death: Risks on the Red Rose.” The Register, April 24.

  “The combination of corpse and crocodile”: Keith-Miller 1928. “Another Lap of Flight.”

  Lancaster and Jessie’s arrival: Spicer 2017, 47.

  Lancaster had absentmindedly left: Keith-Miller, Jessie. 1928. “Damaged Engine and Not a Rupee.” The Register, April 27.

  “The sea was a magnificent”: Keith-Miller, Jessie. 1928. “A Forced Landing.” The Morning Bulletin, May 26.

  “Hold your legs up!”: Ibid.

  “Close everything up”: Spicer 2017, 52.

  About thirty minutes into: Keith-Miller, Jessie. 1928. “An Unofficial Passenger.” The Morning Bulletin, May 29.

  “What’s the matter?”: Keith-Miller, Jessie. 1928. “Snake as Passenger in Cockpit: New Use for Joystick.” The Mercury, April 30.

  “a heavenly blue sky”: Keith-Miller 1928. “An Unofficial Passenger.”

  “I patched up my one”: Keith-Miller, Jessie. 1928. “Crash at Muntok.” The Morning Bulletin, May 30.

  The Singapore Aero Club: Ibid.

  “Their effort thoroughly deserves”: Barker 1969, 37.

  “Somewhere around here we’ll”: Keith-Miller 1928. “Crash at Muntok.”

  “The landscape seemed to have”: Ibid.

  “had fixed up a reception”: Ibid.

  a “screw being taken”: Ibid.

  “had put up a splendid”: “Captain W. N. Lancaster’s Fine Flight.” 1928. Flight, January 19.

  The Aeroplane noted: Barker 1969, 39.

  When they climbed on board: Keith-Miller, Jessie. 1928. “Crossing the Timor Sea.” The Morning Bulletin, June 2.

  a wealthy local British: Spicer 2017, 61.

  The lead officer had followed: Keith-Miller 1928. “Crash at Muntok.”

  For the next two months: Barker 1969, 40.

  on February 7, Hinkler departed: Spicer 2017, 59.

  Finally, on March 12: Keith-Miller 1928. “Crossing the Timor Sea.”

  At some unidentified spot: Spicer 2017, 63.

  Five days later, the aviators: Keith-Miller 1928. “Crossing the Timor Sea.”

  The news of the Red Rose’s: Barker 1969, 41.

  Hardly had Lancaster and Jessie: Keith-Miller, Jessie. 1928. “Darwin at Last. Red Rose in the Rain.” The Register, April 30.

  “I’m afraid she won’t”: Ibid.

  Despite her terror, she: Barker 1969, 42.

  “My God, what an awful”: Keith-Miller 1928. “Crossing the Timor Sea.”


  The Darwin Town Hall: Barker 1969, 44.

  “fired the imagination”: Spicer 2017, 72.

  “The arrival of the Avian”: Barker 1969, 44.

  “[Jessie’s] success in being”: Spicer 2017, 67.

  The “women of Australia”: Ibid., 71.

  “may follow where she”: Ibid.

  “simply by flying the Atlantic”: Barker 1969, 45.

  “Three cheers for your success”: Spicer 2017, 80.

  “I would be happy”: “Captain Lancaster Lecture Tour of Australia.” 1928. Advocate (Tasmania), 5.

  “Sometimes I wish I had”: Spicer 2017, 74.

  Lyon was the son: McDonald, Ann. “Henry Lyon Jr.: An Old Sea Dog Takes to the Air.” Maine Memory Network.­sitebuilder/­site/272/­page/531/­display?use_mmn=1.

  Now Lyon told Lancaster: Barker 1969, 46.